Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ab Exercises May Be Hurting Your Six-Pack Ab Results

The truth is, doing ab exercises may actually be hurting your six-pack ab results, therefore, instead of solely doing ab exercises, we must rev up our metabolism and stick with healthy eating to get ripped abs.

When we want six pack abs, we automatically think of doing ab exercises like sit-ups and crunches. Unfortunately, done improperly, these exercises train the hip flexors instead of the abdominal muscles resulting in muscle imbalances. Ab exercises also tend to put our backs in an awkward position causing potential injury.

A more effective way of getting ripped abs is to increase our metabolism through resistance and interval training as these have proven to yield relatively quick and successful results.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Good Fats to Lose Weight Are Easy to Swallow

lose weight

Let this be the year you finally lose those unwanted pounds. Include these good fats to lose weight in your diet and you may be surprised at how fast you shed that weight.

You might think eating "fat" not a weight loss technique but it depends on the fat.

See, there is "good fat" and "bad fat". The latter is the type of fat found in cheeseburgers and prime rib that clogs your arteries and makes it tough to button your jeans. On the other hand, "good fat" is omega 3 fatty acids. Research shows this type of fat may help reduce that artery clogging cholesterol AND help you slim down.

Add Fish for Good Fats

Friday, December 21, 2012

Ab Exercises Do Not Get Rid Of Belly Fat

full body

People constantly search the web for the magic to get rid of stubborn belly fat. Fitness forums are loaded with the questions and the replies. The response most often is a particular ab exercise routine or piece of equipment. Unfortunately, the magic routine or apparatus often recommended doesn't work.

If these actually worked, why would so many people still be in search of the elusive answer? Let's face it, the models using the equipment and demonstrating the routine did not get those six-pack abs from using the equipment. The models were picked because they already had the abs.

So how did they get those sexy stomachs?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ab Exercises at Home - The Gym Experts and the Easy-To-Do Crunches

your legs

Lots of people today are making reevaluation of their physique, especially that part that's getting the most of attention - the abs. Many individuals are able to acquire great abs and that immensely noticeable six-pack in no time and without even spending a dime on gyms. A little astounding and incredibly surprising, but several ab exercises at home are simply done in the bedroom, in the garage, along the pathway and anywhere there is space available. They can, so you surely can, too.

Gym trainers and fitness experts provide positive assistance when it comes to fitness concerns especially to those individuals who engage in these health routines and fitness programs under their supervision and guidance. This, notwithstanding their capability of keeping the fitness enthusiasts safe and free from untoward injuries. But since a lot of workouts can be done at home, it is but necessary to just adapt those workouts that are easier and safer to perform sans these gym professionals.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Allergy on Dogs

Many things can bring allergies to the dogs. The most common symptoms of allergy in dogs are itching, sneezing, coughing and wheezing. Like humans, pets can also have allergic reactions when exposed to allergens. There are three categories of allergies in dogs namely, bacterial or flea allergy, contact allergy and inhalant allergy. There are dogs that are allergic to certain foods and it is your responsibility as pet owner to watch out for allergic symptoms and find treatment options. This article will give you information about dog allergies, its causes and treatments.

Allergic reactions are the immune system's response to allergens. If the immune system senses allergens, it reacts by releasing histamines. Inhalant allergies in dogs are caused by exposure to dust mites, pollens, mildew and mold. A large number of molds in your house can cause itching, skin problems and whizzing to your dog. Contact allergies on the other hand can be due to fabrics like wool.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

ADHD Natural Remedies - Zinc

essential fatty

Several studies show that replenishing deficient minerals is a more effective treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than stimulant medication. One of the most common mineral deficiencies is zinc, an essential mineral that aids in a number of bodily and neurological functions. Because of zinc's properties, zinc supplements are also recommended along with other natural remedies for ADHD. Below are just some of the benefits of zinc supplements to ADHD children.

Protects omega-3 essential fatty acids from oxidation

Omega-3 essential fatty acid supplements are one of the most effective natural remedies for ADHD. However, omega-3 supplements by themselves cannot stimulate neurotransmitter production and aid brain functioning. Essential fatty acids are very fragile and vulnerable to oxidation, which means that the fats could break down and disintegrate before they reach the bloodstream. Thus, essential fatty acids need to be taken with natural antioxidants. Nutritionists discovered that zinc supplements are a potent antioxidant that preserves omega-3 essential fatty acids until they are absorbed by the nervous system.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Allergy Medicine

your allergist

Allergy medicine: Not all Medications work for every Allergy

It is not fun to have an allergic reaction. You may suffer with sneezing, coughing, weeping, or even swelling, in some cases. Some people experience migraines because of their allergies while others may go into shock, in extreme cases.

Allergies are unique and should be treated differently. Not all medications are composed the same. You have to find the one that is right for your specific type of allergy.

Your doctor or allergist can find the best allergy medicine for you and for your special needs. To find something just right for you, however; he may need to conduct a few tests to determine what your particular allergies are.

Monday, December 3, 2012

ADHD Medication Side Effects - Are You Up To Date With What Is Going On?

side effects

Look at any medical website and click on ADHD medication side effects. What comes up? A whole list of recommendations that your child must follow before even starting on these meds. They range from having a heart check up, blood pressure, stunted growth and sleep problems. We have not even started taking them yet! But these are all the side effects in a nutshell.

Then have a look at the FDA site to see what the ADHD medication side effects are according to the official version. I went there to-day although I felt wary about going there as I knew it would be a scary experience. It was!

First of all, there are approximately 1,500 entries for ADHD on their database. Then I checked Adderall which has 350 entries and looked specifically for the side effects. Basically, this amphetamine like medicine is still a Class II drug and strictly controlled due to risk of abuse.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Allergy Medicine - Be Cautious of the Use

allergy medicine

Allergy medicine is a type of allergy relief you can choose. Nevertheless, it is true that allergies can be an incredibly difficult situation to cope with. Not merely can they be scratchy and irksome but when left untreated they can in reality result in more serious health problems progressing. As an alternative you can select allergy medicine.

There are a quantity of guidelines that are exceedingly prominent to remember when it comes to employing an allergy medicine. Most of these directions would concern with any kind of medicine.

Be Rational

The best info to remember when you are taking an allergy medicine is to be rational. This sounds awfully trouble-free, right? It is incredibly remarkable then the amount of persons who employ allergy medicines haphazardly.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Allergy Medicine - Not All Medicines are Created Equal

allergy medicine

When someone has an allergic reaction, it is not a lot of fun. Some of the allergy symptoms that you can experience are:



Puffing up

Tearing up

Migraine headache

Shock, if extremely severeThe thing is, every allergy is different and not all allergy medication is the same and works on all allergies.

You have to find the right medication for the specific allergy that you are experiencing. You can do this by talking to your doctor or to an allergy specialist. This way you can find the best allergy medicine for you.What is the test for allergies?When you are getting tested for allergies, they have to test many different substances in order to pinpoint what you are allergic to. What they do is inject you, usually down the length of your spine, with several different substances. This can be anything from daily products like grass to dander to even dust.What they're looking for is a reaction. If you are allergic to a substance your skin will become red and raised at the injection site. This is a sure sign that you are allergic. This way once they know what you are allergic to they can prescribe the correct medicine.

Ab Exercises on Parallel Bars - Killer Tips For a Guaranteed Flat Stomach

parallel bars

The best set of stomach workouts and exercise are sit-ups on parallel bars. If you haven't realized your dream of six pack abs even after 3-4 months of exercising, it is dead certain that you haven't used parallel bars to do sit-ups, period. I know you are wondering why this is not written about anywhere online. Simple sit-ups are practiced by anyone who is working out ab exercises either using sit-up bars or plainly lying flat on a floor mat, but I can challenge anyone, which other exercise for abdomen stresses the whole of muscle as the sit-ups on parallel bars do. The plain truth is there is no other ab exercise that comes anywhere near beating the efficiency of sit-ups on parallel bars.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Ab Exercises For Women - Why Ab Crunches Suck

Did you know that ab crunches alone do not help you get six pack abs at all and really it's just a waste of time?

Abs are usually the make or break point of that bikini body you are on the lookout for this summer. But most ladies consider that crunches alone will give them the six pack they desire. Though most women consider crunches to be a fantastic addition to any workout, they are not going to provide the look you are hoping for by themselves.

In actual fact, there is a downside to standard crunches! Aside from them being completely insignificant to building 6 pack abs, they are actually harmful to your spine and lower back. Each time you conduct a crunch, you are doing what the most fitness experts would describe as a dangerous motion for your back.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Allergy Medicine - Some Helpful Advice

If you suffer from allergies, then you know that allergy medicine can often seem like a gift from God. Allergy medicine often only needs to be taken once a day in order to assure that you stay itchy-eye free and are able to enjoy your time outside or in your home. Depending on the type of allergy that you have, there are different types of allergy medicine that you may want to take. Here is a brief overview of the two most popular types of allergy medicine:


The allergy shot is a type of allergy medicine that is administered on a monthly or weekly basis. The shot has medicines that will counteract the allergies that you have so that if you come into contact with any of those allergens, you will not have an allergic reaction (or the reaction will not be as strong as it would be if you did not have the shot.)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Breast Augmentation at the Right Time

your chest

If you are thinking of getting breast augmentation, you should consider whether the timing is right for you. In many cases, you might eventually be a great candidate, but not at the moment. You should think about whether or not you should wait for a better time in your life to get this surgery done.

Many doctors will not perform breast augmentation on anyone under the age of 18. In fact, some might persuade you to wait until your twenties. This is because the chest may still grow for some women even after high school graduation. Until your doctor can be sure that your chest has stopped growing, he or she will likely not want to do the surgery. You might find that you do not even need surgical intervention if you wait, which would end up saving you money. If your chest stays the same, you can always make the decision to get the procedure done with the full knowledge that this area of your body will not change on its own.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Anti Aging Natural Skin Care Products - Why Many Are Misleading

anti aging

Almost everyone today is looking for a new and effective anti aging natural skin care product.

Most of us however know that synthetic chemicals can cause cancer and so impact negatively on our health.

As well, we also know that products with too many artificial chemicals are just downright bad for our complexion and skin.

But it's hard to learn what's really effective as nearly all cosmetic corporations make claims that they manufacture the best anti aging skin care available.

I guess that's the reality of business today.

As long as they avoid making false and illegal statements, then they will avoid prosecution by the Federal Trade Commission.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Anti Aging Natural Skin Care Products - Use Natural Ingredients For Astonishing Results

aging natural

The fact is that anti aging natural skin care products are far better for your skin than the majority of the treatments that are available to you. Most of the products on the market contain ingredients that I would not advise that you put on your skin. You would be surprised how many of the products put out by this billion dollar industry are simply useless to you, and how many of them can pose a danger.

The truth is that the major cosmetics corporations are becoming well known for putting inferior products on the market. The ingredients that they use are generally synthetic, and their products are typically made up of mostly chemicals. These chemical agents that they use put you at serious risk of suffering a variety of ailments, and they should be avoided if at all possible.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Unhealthy Holiday Drinks

Unhealthy Holiday Drinks

With the holiday season beginning in North America, parties and gatherings are sure to be part of your social calendar. You can help minimize empty calories this holiday season with our list of unhealthy drinks to avoid.

Eggnog: Made with milk, cream, sugar, and eggs, eggnog can pack up to 460 calories in an 8-ounce serving - not including added alcohol. Think of it as an indulgent dessert, and limit yourself to one glass during the holidays; sip it slowly to savor the taste.

Other beverages with alcohol: Watch your overall alcohol consumption during the holidays, as its calories can add up after just a few glasses. Be especially aware of beverages that contain added sugars, creams and other unhealthy fats, such as:

Friday, July 27, 2012

How Effective is Brain Training

How Effective is Brain Training

Is your memory as good as it was twenty years ago? If I had to guess, I'd probably say no. Are you as good at math calculations as you were when you were in school? Again, I'd probably guess at no. A decrease in memory can be a result of many factors including, stress, preoccupation, age, illness or just a busy lifestyle. Is there any way we can change this and get back the skills and memory we had when we were young? Probably not, but many believe that we can improve on them to a noticeable degree with the use of brain training.

Brain training is exactly what the name implies. It's a method of training the brain to make its functions sharper and our memory better. We train it through repetition and challenges. When we were back in school learning math, we wouldn't be training our brains very much if we continued to do nothing more than "two plus two is four" day after day. It would be a challenge the first couple of times, but once it was mastered, it would be repetitive and no longer a challenge to our brain. This is why brain training must be new and challenging to be effective.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How Much Salt is Safe?

How Much Salt is Safe?

Salt is a common seasoning in a normal diet. Many people add it to recipes and use it as seasoning on food. Many people claim that they cannot taste their dinner without adding some seasoning, but cutting back will enable you to discover flavors that you never knew were there.

Most people consume a lot more sodium than is needed and there’s considerable debate about whether this is safe or not. High salt diets have been linked to raise blood pressure (hypertension), one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Excessive salt intake has been linked to other health problems:

Excess calcium loss from bones, increasing the risk of osteoporosis

Saturday, July 14, 2012

How Omega-3 Helps the Heart

How Omega-3 Helps the Heart

We've known for years that omega-3 fatty acids are good for the heart. These healthy fats down-regulate inflammation, and may help reduce the risk and symptoms of disorders influenced by inflammation, including heart attack, stroke and several forms of cancer. Now researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, have found another action of omega-3s that may help explain why they offer benefits for the heart. The investigators found that the more omega-3 consumed by patients with coronary heart disease, the slower the structures called telomeres at the ends of chromosomes shrank. (Telomeres have been likened to the caps on the ends of shoelaces that prevent the laces from unraveling. In cells, telomeres prevent chromosomes from fusing with one another or rearranging - undesirable changes that could lead to serious diseases.) The more times a cell divides, the shorter telomeres become, a change that makes them a marker of biological age. The California investigators followed about 600 patients with coronary artery disease and measured their blood levels of omega-3s and telomere length at the beginning of the study and again five years later. They found that the higher the blood levels of omega-3s, the slower telomeres shortened, suggesting that the rate of biological aging - as mirrored by telomeres - decreased.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How Is Multiple Sclerosis Classified?

How Is Multiple Sclerosis Classified?

Multiple sclerosis is actually characterized by the disruption of the normal functioning of the peripheral nerve connections of the spinal cord and brain. It is a complex disease which is idiopathic, meaning that its cause remains unknown. This further means that multiple sclerosis is not easily prevented nor cured.

What is considered as compensation is the finding that multiple sclerosis is generally not a lifethreatening disorder. There are existing treatment methods that are able to successfully control the disease's underlying symptoms. It is through these treatment modalities that the development of multiple sclerosis can be slowed and those with complaint are given chances to live active and normal lives.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

How is Colon Cancer Diagnosed and Treated?

How is Colon Cancer Diagnosed and Treated?

How is Colon Cancer Diagnosed?

A biopsy of sample tissue taken from a tumour, lesion or other suspicious area may be removed for further examination to establish a diagnosis of colon cancer. Such investigations might include a barium enema, a sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy.

A barium enema involves infusing a chalky substance into the rectum, in order to outline the colon on an X-ray. With a sigmoidocopy, a short flexible tube is inserted for a colonoscopy, which allows the colon to be examined along its entire length Some tissue samples may also be removed for analysis during this procedure. Colon cancer is treated by surgical removal of the tumour, along with a portion of the colon above and below the cancer, to make sure that all of it is removed. The lymphatic tissue that drains the area is also removed and studied for any signs of possible spread.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Otitis Externa

What Is Otitis Externa?

Otitis externa is an inflammatory condition of the external ear and ear auditory canal. Also known as swimmer’s ear, this is a very common condition that causes ear ache. Otitis externa can be caused by bacterial infections or non-bacterial causes like dermatitis, fungi and mechanical trauma. Bacterial infections often develop after swimming in a swimming pool or after manipulating your ears with dirty fingers or objects. Mechanical trauma to the ear can include using cotton swabs and metal ear picks. These cleaning devices actually do more damage than cleaning because it can push earwax further into the ear canal causing blockage of the ear canal. When the ear canal is blocked, fluid in the ear and other debris cannot exit the ear which causes more inflammation and can result in conductive hearing loss.  The bacterial organisms that cause this infection is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus while usual fungal pathogens are Candida albicansand Aspergillus.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

It is never a pleasant thing to be diagnosed with prostate cancer but when it happens, it is certainly not the end of life. The fact that there are many treatment options that are available makes it easier for people who come down with the ailment to remain positive of a cure. Since there are many options for the treatment of prostate cancer, anyone with the ailment may not find it an easy task deciding on which one to go for.

Radical prostatectomy

The first option that would come across any sufferer of prostate cancer is radial prostatectomy in which a major surgery would be carried out to have the entire prostate gland and some tissues removed. The cancerous tissue would also have to be removed from spreading to other parts of the body. There are however many risks like impotence that are attached to this option.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Protein-Rich Breakfast May Cut Cravings

Protein-Rich Breakfast May Cut Cravings

Teens are notorious for skipping breakfast and then snacking on high calorie, high fat and high sugar junk foods. They also tend to overeat, especially at night. A small study from the University of Missouri suggests that a protein breakfast of cereal and milk or of high-protein waffles, syrup and yogurt is filling and reduces hunger throughout the morning. The higher protein waffle breakfast also changed the appetites of the teenage girls participating for the better so that they were less hungry. The researchers divided 10 girls into three groups that:

continued skipping breakfast

ate portions of cereal and milk containing normal quantities of protein

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Weight Loss Programs for Men

Weight Loss Programs for Men

Various programs have come into existence for weight loss for men in the past years. Initially, more focus was on programs for women as it appeared they were more concerned about their bodies than men. Increased concerns about the health of men in the 21st century however made weight loss programs a necessity for most men in order to stay healthy. As most men like to take care of such problems alone, several personal attempts were made by such men which included indulging in shortcuts that promised rapid results.

Weight Loss Programs for Men

A large section of the male population who had serious issues with their weights usually kept back their worries to themselves. This made progress in whatever they were doing to solve their problems to be really slow. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you taking to some personal forms of exercises in order to lose weight but the fact of the case is you would be better off if you are guided by weight loss experts. The journey along this path requires the experience of those you understand the metabolism of your body and exactly what your body needs in order to lose weight safely.

How Home Fitness Training Benefits The Body

How Home Fitness Training Benefits The Body

Home fitness training is an important type of exercise for many people because it provides a number of different benefits to the body while allowing the person to move at their own pace and exercise at their convenience. Many experts have been talking about the benefits of home fitness personal training for years and learning how to do the exercises correctly improves the lives of millions of people each year. Knowing what benefits the home fitness training provides to the body may make many people more inclined to exercise on a regular basis.

Ways Home Fitness Training Improves The Body

One of the biggest benefits of home fitness training is the way that it increases the person's flexibility. If the exercises are completed properly, many of the muscles in the body will be strengthened and the tendons securing the muscles to the bones will increase in strength as well. People that exercise on a regular basis have a decreased risk of muscle strains and sprains because the muscles of the body are used to maneuvering in different directions. Using home fitness training regularly can make the muscles and tendons flexible enough to withstand most types of sudden movement that generally cause damage to the body.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Meditation and Relaxation

Meditation and Relaxation

Numerous studies have shown that there is a direct link between meditation and relaxation. What distinguishes this from the other techniques is that with meditation, your mind continues to be focused and alert when you learn to focus on an object, a thought or by visualization.

But which should you focus on? The answer depends on the individual. The important thing is that it is something that they are comfortable with.

One of the simplest things to concentrate on is your breathing. In fact, most meditation techniques start out this way so that your muscles will be relaxed and your mind and body become one.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

How does stress affect men?

How does stress affect men?

Stress is a part of our everyday life and the human body is designed to respond to psychological stress and its effects. There is a big variation in the perception of stress by people which makes it impossible to categorically state that a gender of the two sexes is more sensitive to stress than the other. How does stress affect men? This question has been pondered upon by wives and women generally who have one thing or the other to do with men. Even in the same sex such as men, there are differences in the way they are affected. The same response may be elicited from the same type of psychological stress by most men but largely, responses in relation to stress management are varied.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What Are The Common Myths Associated With Teeth Whitening?

What Are The Common Myths Associated With Teeth Whitening?

The myths associated with teeth whitening restrict many people from enjoying the desirable benefits of different products and effective techniques. These myths are misleading the people thus resulting in an imperfect smile and lack of social interaction.

Here are some myths along with actual facts of teeth whitening-

Myth 1:- The only effective treatment of teeth whitening is through laser.

Fact: - This is not true that only laser whitening is an effective treatment because there are lots of other solutions present nowadays. Dentists may also suggest having a laser treatment as it provides immediate results. One can enjoy a good smile even with some cost effective methods such as home teeth whitening kits.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

How HCG Side Effects Puts Dieters at Risk?

How HCG Side Effects Puts Dieters at Risk?

Lately,people who have weight management issues have been looking into the hcg diet.Being overweight poses a lot of health problems which can lead to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.Because the hcg diet promises to assist people lose as much as 15kgs within a month's time, many people are trying this to reach their weight goals. Nonetheless, the public must realize that hcg diet can also produce hcg side effects to users.Some common symptoms of Hcg side effects includes dizziness, headaches, and mood swings. People should be aware that hcg side effects are possible for two main reasons : 1) people have different biological make-up 2) a synthetic hormone can cause damage to bodily functions.These are several hcg side effects that you have to know and be aware of:

Thursday, June 7, 2012

What Exactly You Need To Know About Treatments For Back Pain

What Exactly You Need To Know About Treatments For Back Pain

In the realm of medicine, the fastest method to allow a medication reach its restorative effect is by giving the medicine intravenously or by giving it intramuscularly through an injection. Some people maintain they can't bear their back pain any longer so they end up needing to use needles for back pain relief. Even though it will surely generate quicker results, there are lots of things that you might wish to find out about these kinds of injections for back pain.

Injections for low back pain can equally be used like a restorative medicine and a diagnostic resource. It's used to handle back aches and pains as well as to determine why you have it to start with. Even though there are several ways to correctly diagnose the reason for a back pain, a number of doctors would rather use injections for back pain as it can generate quicker results.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Organic Foods and the Environmental and Economic Impacts

If you are interested in switching to organic foods, you may first do a little bit of research. If so, you are likely looking to find more information on the benefits of eating organically. When doing so, you will see that there are a number of health benefits to eating organically, but did you know that organic foods can also help to improve the environment and the economy? They can and for more information on how so, please continue reading on.

It is no secret that many farmers use pesticides and other chemicals when growing many fruits and vegetables. Although many of these pesticides are "technically,' considered safe, many still have concerns. After all, if the chemicals can be used to kills bugs and bacteria, what can they do to our bodies? This is a huge concern for many individuals, especially those who are concerned with their health and exactly what it is they are putting in their bodies. Also, does simply just rinsing a vegetable make the food any safer? What about the impact on the environment? These are all common questions that many have.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Two Important Things To Remember When Coping With Emotional Stress After The Loss Of A Loved One

Two Important Things To Remember When Coping With Emotional Stress After The Loss Of A Loved One

Losing a loved one is never easy and a lot of people find it difficult to deal with the situation and move on. For many people, coping with emotional stress after the loss of a loved one is almost impossible. In fact, a lot of people never get over the loss of a loved one and they go through life grieving about what happened. Fortunately, coping with emotional stress is not impossible even for the most emotional and unstable people. If you are one of those people who have recently loss their loved ones, you too can learn to cope with the situation and lead a normal and productive life. To help you get your life back, here are some important things to remember when coping with emotional stress.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How does Hoodia Diet Pills Work?

How does Hoodia Diet Pills Work?

If you are a dieter you may have heard of the hoodia gordonii diet pills. They were introduced in 2004 and have been popular ever since. Weight gain and obesity has been a big health problem. It has steadily worsened as more fast food restaurants emerged. Instant meals are much more convenient than home cooked meals in a fast paced world. Fortunately the hoodia diet provides us with a new solution to the problem.

The hoodia diet was introduced in November of 2004. It has been featured in several television shows such as Oprah, The Today Show, and 60 minutes. There are many brands and different forms right now in the internet of this new diet supplement.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

How Nutritious is Your Produce?

How Nutritious is Your Produce?

New research indicates that the nutrient value of fruits and vegetables in the United States and Great Britain has declined markedly over the last 50 years.

A report published in the February, 2009 Journal of HortScience looked at historical food composition data. Noting that accurate comparisons are difficult because assay methods have varied through the years, researcher Donald R. Davis of the Biochemical Institute of the University of Texas nonetheless found "apparent median declines of 5 % to 40% or more of some minerals in groups of vegetables and perhaps fruit; one study also evaluated vitamins and protein with similar results."

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Meditation Eases Hot Flashes

Meditation Eases Hot Flashes

It takes some training, but practicing mindfulness meditation does seem to help ease hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia in menopausal women, according to study results from the University of Massachusetts. Researchers there taught mindfulness meditation to 55 women between the ages of 47 and 69. A comparable group of 55 women of the same age who had the same symptoms were placed on a "waiting list" for training. The women in the first group attended classes once a week for eight weeks and also had a full day of training in mindfulness meditation, which involves focusing on the present. When the study began, the women reported five or more moderate to severe hot flashes or night sweats daily. After nearly two years of practice, the meditating women reported their symptoms bothered them about 15 percent less than they had at the outset, compared to a decrease of only 7 percent in the women who were on the waiting list. The study was published in the June 2011 issue of Menopause.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Two Supplements for Thinning Hair

Two Supplements for Thinning Hair

It is not unusual for women to experience hair loss as they age, especially when menopausal changes come into play. Thinning hair (also known as female pattern baldness) can be due to the effects of hair-care treatments, dyes, and styling; the habit of twisting or pulling your hair; or even thyroid disease. Diet may also play a role. To maintain healthy hair and help prevent further loss, try these two simple changes:

Two Supplements for Thinning Hair

Make sure you're getting enough omega-3 fatty acids. Eat wild Alaskan salmon, sardines, herring or mackerel two or three times a week, or sprinkle two tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseeds per day on cereal or salads. You can also supplement with a high-quality fish oil.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Unhealthy Foods for Your Heart

Unhealthy Foods for Your Heart

Saturday I outlined 5 healthy foods for your heart. Today I'll cover some things found in foods that are not so heart-healthy. Minimize these inflammatory aggravators in your diet to help promote optimal cardiovascular functioning.

Saturated fats. They can contribute to high cholesterol; avoid whole-fat dairy foods such as cheese, cream and milk, as well as red meat.

Trans-fats. Found in most margarines, snack foods, heavily processed foods and some cooking oils, these fats (often listed on food labels as "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oil) can reduce HDL ("good") cholesterol levels and raise LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Medicines which can cause Erectile Dysfunction

Medicines which can cause Erectile Dysfunction

Most people are unaware of the fact that consumption of some medications can cause erectile dysfunction in men. Naturally, this issue can be extremely frustrating to most men but it is almost impossible to avoid it, especially in case if you are on these particular medications.

The primary thing that you need to be aware of is how badly your medication is going to affect you in terms of your sexual potency or capacity.

The second thing which you need to do is to alert your physician or doctor about this problem immediately and at the same time consult him to check if there are other possible medications or treatment options that are available, and will not cause you erectile dysfunction.

Friday, May 11, 2012

How Kids Can Benefit from Pilates

How Kids Can Benefit from Pilates

Childhood obesity is certainly a hot topic these days. There is no doubt that there is a problem - statistics continually show that more children are overweight than ever before. Children are also suffering from problems that do not have anything to do with obesity - asthma, allergies, autism, and other problems are increasing among children. How can Pilates help? Can kids benefit from these exercises? Here are some ideas as to how kids can benefit from Pilates.


It may seem ironic, but Pilates may help kids with sitting still in the classroom (or anywhere else). The muscles emphasized and strengthened in Pilates are the core muscles, which are key for correct posture. A child whose core muscles are flexible and strong will probably find it a lot easier to sit still for long periods, because it's more comfortable. Many times adults and children shift and fidget because of discomfort or even pain.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Meditation Cushions

Meditation Cushions

Most forms of meditation require the person to sit in a comfortable position. You can do this by getting a mat or a chair. But since this does not always make you feel at ease, someone decided to make meditation cushions.

What is a meditation cushion? Basically these are aids in meditation that do not offer any back support because they help lengthen the spine and correct your alignment so you are able to breathe better, increase blood flow and flexibility.

There are three types of meditation cushions around. These are namely the Zafus, the Zabutons and the seiza bench. What makes each different from the other? Well, the Zafus is a smile cushion that can be placed on the floor or over a kneeling bench. The Zabutons is a sitting mat which provides essential cushioning for the ankles, feet and legs. While the seiza bench is best for people who have knee problems.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Organic Foods Great for Toddlers

Organic Foods Great for Toddlers

Are you the parent of a toddler who is looking to make sure that your child is eating right? If so, healthy foods are likely what you are searching for. With that in mind, it is important to know that healthy foods come in a number of different formats. To provide your toddler with the best healthy foods possible, organic foods should be examined.

After a close look, you will see that there are a number of benefits to eating organic foods. These benefits include natural foods, as opposed to foods that are filled with sugars and other additives. Eating organically can also help to improve one's health, as well as the environment. It has been said that the longer you eat organic foods, the better your health is likely to be. That is why you should encourage your toddler to eat organically.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What Conditions May Cause Lower Left Pelvic Pain?

What Conditions May Cause Lower Left Pelvic Pain?

Lower left pelvic pain is a symptom of a disease that is more frequently felt by the elderly and women. The lower left pelvic region contains a lot of body organs that may be causing this sensation. The organs that are found in this region include the muscles and skins covering the left side of the abdominal wall, nerves on the left abdomen, part of large blood vessels like the aorta and its branches, the left ovary and tube, part of the urinary bladder, the sigmoid colon, part of the descending large bowel, the left ureter, and the lower end of the left kidney. Therefore any conditions involving these body parts may result in to lower left pelvic pain and this article will discuss a few of them.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

How Much Water?

How Much Water?

While we constantly hear about how healthy water is for our systems, too much of a good thing is possible. Drinking lots of water in a short period of time, say a few hours, can lead to "water intoxication." Although rare, this can be quite dangerous, and even fatal, if not treated promptly and properly.

While our kidneys are capable of processing about 60 glasses of water a day - almost four gallons - most people need nowhere near that much. Instead stick to simply drinking small servings of water throughout the day, and be conscious of drinking more if you are in a very hot, dry climate or participate in endurance sports.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Meditation Facts

Meditation Facts

These days, going to the doctor when you are sick is not the only way so you will feel better. According to the National Center for Complementary Medicine, meditation is among the top 10 alternative therapy treatments. But before we get into that, it is best we learn some meditation facts.

First, meditation means awareness. Why? This is because your senses are heightened as you concentrate on your breathing and your hearing is sharper than before. You tell your mind to block out these distractions so you are able to find inner peace which you can carry with you when you open your eyes.

Some think that meditation is a religion when in fact it is a science. This is because numerous studies done in the past show that those who practice it feel relaxed, are physically fit, have improvements in their academic standing in school and have an increase in their productivity at work.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

How Eating Well Can Help During Pregnancy

There are a number of aches and pains that come with pregnancy. While back in the day many doctors just brushed them aside and said that is part of pregnancy, now a days more and more doctors are recommending a well balanced diet to help. Here are just a few pregnancy aliments that a good diet can help.

A common complaint during pregnancy is tooth and gum problems. To help keep your teeth healthy and your baby's teeth healthy, make sure you get enough calcium and vitamin C. Always keep some sugarless gum near you or chew on some nuts and cheese.

It is also not uncommon for many women to feel dizzy or lightheaded during pregnancy especially if they have gone to long without eating. This is why it is so important to eat through out the day and snack also. Keep your snacks as healthy as you can and stay away from junk food whenever you can. These foods will give you a quick rush of energy but ultimately leave you feeling worse than you did before you ate them. Keep yourself hydrated also. Snacking and drinking will help boost your blood sugar and keep you hydrated which can help you fight dizziness.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How Does Turmeric Work?

How Does Turmeric Work?

I have long promoted the healing powers of turmeric, the brilliantly hued spice that's an integral part of the traditional Indian diet. Turmeric's main ingredient, curcumin, has been shown to have a wide array of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Indeed, eating turmeric in their daily curries appears to be one of the main reasons that elderly citizens of India have very low rates of Alzheimer's disease

Now, we are gaining some insight into how curcumin exerts its benefits. University of Michigan researchers have discovered that curcumin incorporates itself into cell membranes and makes them more orderly. This allows the membranes to more effectively control the flow of substances in and out of cells, which improves cells' resistance to infection and malignancy. The findings were published online March 3, 2009, for the Journal of the American Chemical Society.