Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How does Hoodia Diet Pills Work?

How does Hoodia Diet Pills Work?

If you are a dieter you may have heard of the hoodia gordonii diet pills. They were introduced in 2004 and have been popular ever since. Weight gain and obesity has been a big health problem. It has steadily worsened as more fast food restaurants emerged. Instant meals are much more convenient than home cooked meals in a fast paced world. Fortunately the hoodia diet provides us with a new solution to the problem.

The hoodia diet was introduced in November of 2004. It has been featured in several television shows such as Oprah, The Today Show, and 60 minutes. There are many brands and different forms right now in the internet of this new diet supplement.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

How Nutritious is Your Produce?

How Nutritious is Your Produce?

New research indicates that the nutrient value of fruits and vegetables in the United States and Great Britain has declined markedly over the last 50 years.

A report published in the February, 2009 Journal of HortScience looked at historical food composition data. Noting that accurate comparisons are difficult because assay methods have varied through the years, researcher Donald R. Davis of the Biochemical Institute of the University of Texas nonetheless found "apparent median declines of 5 % to 40% or more of some minerals in groups of vegetables and perhaps fruit; one study also evaluated vitamins and protein with similar results."

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Meditation Eases Hot Flashes

Meditation Eases Hot Flashes

It takes some training, but practicing mindfulness meditation does seem to help ease hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia in menopausal women, according to study results from the University of Massachusetts. Researchers there taught mindfulness meditation to 55 women between the ages of 47 and 69. A comparable group of 55 women of the same age who had the same symptoms were placed on a "waiting list" for training. The women in the first group attended classes once a week for eight weeks and also had a full day of training in mindfulness meditation, which involves focusing on the present. When the study began, the women reported five or more moderate to severe hot flashes or night sweats daily. After nearly two years of practice, the meditating women reported their symptoms bothered them about 15 percent less than they had at the outset, compared to a decrease of only 7 percent in the women who were on the waiting list. The study was published in the June 2011 issue of Menopause.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Two Supplements for Thinning Hair

Two Supplements for Thinning Hair

It is not unusual for women to experience hair loss as they age, especially when menopausal changes come into play. Thinning hair (also known as female pattern baldness) can be due to the effects of hair-care treatments, dyes, and styling; the habit of twisting or pulling your hair; or even thyroid disease. Diet may also play a role. To maintain healthy hair and help prevent further loss, try these two simple changes:

Two Supplements for Thinning Hair

Make sure you're getting enough omega-3 fatty acids. Eat wild Alaskan salmon, sardines, herring or mackerel two or three times a week, or sprinkle two tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseeds per day on cereal or salads. You can also supplement with a high-quality fish oil.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Unhealthy Foods for Your Heart

Unhealthy Foods for Your Heart

Saturday I outlined 5 healthy foods for your heart. Today I'll cover some things found in foods that are not so heart-healthy. Minimize these inflammatory aggravators in your diet to help promote optimal cardiovascular functioning.

Saturated fats. They can contribute to high cholesterol; avoid whole-fat dairy foods such as cheese, cream and milk, as well as red meat.

Trans-fats. Found in most margarines, snack foods, heavily processed foods and some cooking oils, these fats (often listed on food labels as "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oil) can reduce HDL ("good") cholesterol levels and raise LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Medicines which can cause Erectile Dysfunction

Medicines which can cause Erectile Dysfunction

Most people are unaware of the fact that consumption of some medications can cause erectile dysfunction in men. Naturally, this issue can be extremely frustrating to most men but it is almost impossible to avoid it, especially in case if you are on these particular medications.

The primary thing that you need to be aware of is how badly your medication is going to affect you in terms of your sexual potency or capacity.

The second thing which you need to do is to alert your physician or doctor about this problem immediately and at the same time consult him to check if there are other possible medications or treatment options that are available, and will not cause you erectile dysfunction.

Friday, May 11, 2012

How Kids Can Benefit from Pilates

How Kids Can Benefit from Pilates

Childhood obesity is certainly a hot topic these days. There is no doubt that there is a problem - statistics continually show that more children are overweight than ever before. Children are also suffering from problems that do not have anything to do with obesity - asthma, allergies, autism, and other problems are increasing among children. How can Pilates help? Can kids benefit from these exercises? Here are some ideas as to how kids can benefit from Pilates.


It may seem ironic, but Pilates may help kids with sitting still in the classroom (or anywhere else). The muscles emphasized and strengthened in Pilates are the core muscles, which are key for correct posture. A child whose core muscles are flexible and strong will probably find it a lot easier to sit still for long periods, because it's more comfortable. Many times adults and children shift and fidget because of discomfort or even pain.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Meditation Cushions

Meditation Cushions

Most forms of meditation require the person to sit in a comfortable position. You can do this by getting a mat or a chair. But since this does not always make you feel at ease, someone decided to make meditation cushions.

What is a meditation cushion? Basically these are aids in meditation that do not offer any back support because they help lengthen the spine and correct your alignment so you are able to breathe better, increase blood flow and flexibility.

There are three types of meditation cushions around. These are namely the Zafus, the Zabutons and the seiza bench. What makes each different from the other? Well, the Zafus is a smile cushion that can be placed on the floor or over a kneeling bench. The Zabutons is a sitting mat which provides essential cushioning for the ankles, feet and legs. While the seiza bench is best for people who have knee problems.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Organic Foods Great for Toddlers

Organic Foods Great for Toddlers

Are you the parent of a toddler who is looking to make sure that your child is eating right? If so, healthy foods are likely what you are searching for. With that in mind, it is important to know that healthy foods come in a number of different formats. To provide your toddler with the best healthy foods possible, organic foods should be examined.

After a close look, you will see that there are a number of benefits to eating organic foods. These benefits include natural foods, as opposed to foods that are filled with sugars and other additives. Eating organically can also help to improve one's health, as well as the environment. It has been said that the longer you eat organic foods, the better your health is likely to be. That is why you should encourage your toddler to eat organically.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What Conditions May Cause Lower Left Pelvic Pain?

What Conditions May Cause Lower Left Pelvic Pain?

Lower left pelvic pain is a symptom of a disease that is more frequently felt by the elderly and women. The lower left pelvic region contains a lot of body organs that may be causing this sensation. The organs that are found in this region include the muscles and skins covering the left side of the abdominal wall, nerves on the left abdomen, part of large blood vessels like the aorta and its branches, the left ovary and tube, part of the urinary bladder, the sigmoid colon, part of the descending large bowel, the left ureter, and the lower end of the left kidney. Therefore any conditions involving these body parts may result in to lower left pelvic pain and this article will discuss a few of them.