Wednesday, May 20, 2015

How to Treat Dry Skin

skin moisture

Xeroderma is dry, itchy, flaky skin that is sometimes painful. It is simply caused by a lack of moisture in the skin's cells. The underlying cause of the lack of moisture could be overexposure to the elements, excessive cleansing or poor diet. Here, you will learn about the solutions.

• How the Skin Works to Stay Moist

There are several compounds that work to maintain the skin's moisture balance. You need all of your basic vitamins, minerals and amino acids from proteins to help your body produce the necessary compounds.

Keratin, a structural protein, is one of the things that help to keep the skin moist. It is a major component of all the cells of the skin's outer layers. It has the ability to absorb water from perspiration, from the air or from a shower and hold it inside of the cells.

Hyaluronic acid is another compound that provides moisture to the cells. It also plays a role in the production of new cells. It is composed of amino acids and glucose, a simple sugar.

Sebum is an oily, waxy fat produced by the sebaceous glands within the skin. It is secreted to protect against friction and to help hold moisture in the skin's cells. Even perspiration helps to keep the skin moist and supple.

• What Interferes with the Skin's Ability to Stay Moist

In order for your body to produce perspiration, you must drink enough water. Xeroderma is sometimes a symptom of chronic mild dehydration.

A lack of any nutrient could impede the body's ability to produce keratin, hyaluronic acid and sebum. Cleansers and tap water strip away the skin's sebum, leaving it defenseless.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Medication for Hypertension - Is It Worth The Risk?

blood pressure

Recent studies have shown that thirty-two percent of adults in the United States suffer from hypertension. Hypertension is a condition where the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated above normal levels. High blood pressure in the arteries causes the heart to have to work harder to pump blood through the blood vessels. Hypertension is a major risk factor for serious health complications like stroke, heart disease, aneurysms, and even kidney disease. For some people, simple lifestyle or diet changes can reduce blood pressure to normal levels. Others require medication to achieve a healthy arterial blood pressure. One of the most popular drugs prescribed to treat hypertension is atenolol. The use of atenolol may reduce your blood pressure, but this comes with the chance of several side effects.

Only your doctor can decide if atenolol is the proper treatment for your specific medical situation. The following side effects are provided to give you general information and are not to be relied upon for any specific medical condition.

The most common side effect that you may experience with atenolol is indigestion and constipation. This is generally mild and are more of an annoyance than a serious health risk.

Some patients also experience a dry mouth sensation. Ensure that you are getting an adequate intake of fluids to prevent dehydration and hopefully this sensation will go away.

Hypotension is a serious side effect that is rarely encountered. If you feel as though your blood pressure is too low, contact your doctor or emergency health care professional immediately.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

How To Treat Depression - Is There An Easy Way?

feel good

If you have recently started to feel depressed and this a new experience for you or you have only had depressive feelings very rarely in the past then there could be an easy way for you to deal with this episode in your life. Let me clarify what exactly I mean by "easy" here, as you are probably aware not many things in life are ever easy but what I am talking about here is that there are things you can try yourself before resorting to a visit to the family doctor and coming away with a prescription for an anti-depressant medication. However if you are in a deep depression and cannot see any way out of it then you do need to visit your doctor now or in an emergency dial 911 (999), whatever your country's emergency number is.

By making some small manageable changes to your lifestyle you can actually make a big difference to the way you may be feeling at the moment. Perhaps it would help if you were to make some daily or weekly goals, things you would like to accomplish that would make you feel good about yourself, it will be very difficult to feel depressed and good about yourself at the same time, try it and see. A word of advice here, make sure you initially keep your goals small and achievable at first, you can move onto bigger goals as you progress. If you aim too high with your goal and fail to reach that height then you will almost certainly take a step back towards depression, who doesn't feel depressed when they fail at something?

Here are a few suggestions you may want to try:

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Medication Management

something that

The California Assisted Living Association (CALA) has put together a great guide on how to best manage an elderly person's medications. We've talked about this a little in the past, but this is such an important concept and improper medication management can lead to major problems. The following tips are some of the highlights from the CALA's magazine article on the subject.

Everything starts out with proper communication. Everyone involved in the process needs to be in open dialogue with each other. This will help to eliminate any confusion.

The next step is to choose a time and location that has few distractions. By making medication dispensing a routine, you can expect things to fall into a pattern. This repetition will soon become a daily part of the person's life. If they are supposed to meet you at 8:00 every day in the kitchen area, this will be something that becomes just a routine part of their daily activities.

Having the dispensing process explained often and in a direct fashion will help to further cement the necessity of medications in the patient's mind. This is important because many times the elderly person will question why they must take their medications. Having a logical explanation ready will help alleviate this concern on their end of things. If they realize that taking their prescription is important, they will be more likely to take it.

Finally, you don't want to judge the person in regards to their medication. If they have had past problems with refusing to take their prescription, leave that in the past. Reinforce the idea that meds are important on a regular basis, but don't bring up the past. Treat each session as if it were a new one. This will help the person receiving the meds to see that you are kind and just want to help them out.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Medication Mendacity?

depression caused

Seventeen million Americans today are taking antidepressants, spending 11.3 billion dollars for the privilege of doing so. Kind of depressing, wouldn't you say? Rather than get depressed, however, I get angry.

Why? Because we have been fed so many phony "facts" about depression, we now simply accept them as true when we should really be applauding the drug companies for a super successful relentless marketing campaign.

You hear the ads everywhere. But here's what you won't hear about anti-depressant drugs.

They don't work for about 86% of patients. (Wow, that's a high number.)

They are least effective for those who are mildly or moderately depressed.

They are sometimes prescribed for children as young as 6 years old.

They have dangerous side effects, including an increased risk of suicide, particularly for the young. (Go figure!)

They have unpleasant side effects. Weight gain and lack of libido are the two big ones. But let's not leave out dry mouth, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, sweating, fatigue, headaches, diarrhea, constipation. (Are you kidding me? If I weren't depressed before taking these meds, I'd be now!)

It has not been proven to be true that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Repeat something often enough, however, and everyone believes it. If depression is supposed to be caused by low serotonin levels, then how come doctors don't monitor your serotonin and prescribe only when your levels are dangerously low? Answer: Your serotonin levels are in a constant state of flux, depending upon what you're thinking, feeling and doing at the moment. Oh, and one more reason: it would entail an invasive brain procedure. And who wants that? So we operate under an assumption that depression is caused by a lack of serotonin and prescribe medication to fix the problem.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Medication on MS: Beta Interferons

been shown

Beta interferons, which are used for treatment of the disease called multiple sclerosis, specifically variations in which frequent relapses occur. Beta interferons have shown that patients who are treated with such typically are experiencing fewer MS related relapses or are able to go longer periods of time between relapses. Multiple sclerosis is a complex inflammatory disease of the central nervous system that results in a myriad number of wide and varied symptoms. By treating MS sufferers with beta interferons, there is hope that the patients will be able to go longer periods of time without multiple sclerosis related flare ups and problems.

Health insurance policies often do cover treatments and medications needed for the patient dealing with MS symptoms as long the diagnosis occurred after the health insurance plan was purchased. This is one of many reasons why it is a good idea to have a well executed health insurance plan in place. Then when something unexpected such as an accident or the onset of serious illness such as MS occurs, there is no danger of not being covered under the family health insurance plan.

health insurance plan

Beta interferons have the ability to control and adjust the immune system and therefore play a critical role in keeping the body safe against viruses and other things that do not belong. In recent years, beta interferons have been shown to be quite effective in the treatment and management of multiple sclerosis. The medication on MS Beta Interferons known as Betaseron and Extavia are both often used for treating the many symptoms associated with relapsing forms of MS. Some beta interferon products additionally may be put to use for first clinical episode if MRI results that are consistent with MS are seen as well.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

How to Treat Dog Mange

products that contain

Dog mange is a nasty, debilitating and physically destructive disease if left untreated. Knowing that your dog has mange is the first step to treating it effectively but, unless you check your dog over regularly and take him to the vet at the first sign of anything wrong, the disease can get much worse before it is noticed.

Mange is caused by an infestation of mites and scabies that burrow in to the dog's skin and hair follicles. Whilst a healthy dog will be able to fight off the infestation, if your dog has a poor immune system it will not be able to fight off the disease.

There are many symptoms of dog mange including itching and signs of dandruff, thinning of the hair around the eyes, the mouth and the front of the legs. Left untreated these patches can soon turn to sore, crusted, oozing patches which will cause your dog a great deal of discomfort and pain. As the disease progresses your dog will lose its appetite, leading to severe weight loss and dehydration.

Dog mange can be successfully treated and eradicated with quick intervention and use of the correct products. Shampoos alone will not rid your dog of mange; whilst you may see short term changes, the mange will continue to return until the mite itself has been destroyed. This means treating your home and the all of the dog's bedding as well as the dog itself.

Treating a dog for mange is a fairly straightforward process but don't expect an overnight success story; the process takes time. To treat your dog for mange first find a good natural shampoo. Look for an oil based shampoo such as tea tree or aloe Vera; the oil will smother the mites and kill off the eggs. Using a shampoo containing these products will also soothe irritated skin. This should be used regularly, in conjunction with a medicated topical spray for the lesions and sore patches.

immune system

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Medicare Supplement Plans: Purchase at the Annual Enrollment

assured issue

Medicare Supplement Plans are the most excellent kind of insurances for health available to adults over the age of sixty five.

People who buy these supplemental quotes can visit almost any specialist, hospital, or doctor, and often pay very less or nothing at all for these kinds of purchases. The only difficulty with Medicare Supplement Plans is the agencies that offer this kind of Medicare supplemental quotes have under-writing guidelines, which might make it difficult to qualify if you have preexisting circumstances. Using definite issue guide-lines to buy one of these plans might make a big difference in the worth of care you get and you're other expenses for physician and hospital services.

The most frequently used assured issue period is the period of preliminary enrollment, which starts on the first-day of the month where you are both registered in Medicare (Part B) and over the age of sixty five. This time extends for 6 months and you may register in any plan with any agency during this specific time without responding to any of the health queries. A lot of seniors buy Medicare (Plan F) in the initial registration period, however over the past few years a lot of people have been influenced to buy Medicare Advantage Plans that offer lower coverage.

assured issue period

The second most liked assured issue period happens when adults choose to work after their sixty fifth year of age. During this period they are frequently covered by company plans that offer higher coverage to normal Medicare. Though, when they finally leave when they retire their company plan, they have a sixty three day assured issue period where they might register in the insurance plan of their selection. This assured issue period in addition includes people who have left, although are still covered on their earlier companies plan.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How To Treat Common Baldness

hair loss

The term "common baldness" usually means male-pattern

baldness. Male-pattern baldness is the most common cause of

hair loss in men. Men who have this type of hair loss

usually have inherited the trait. Men who start losing

their hair at an early age tend to develop more extensive


In male-pattern baldness, hair loss typically results in a

receding hairline and baldness on the top of the head.

Women may develop female-pattern baldness. In this form,

the hair becomes thin over the entire scalp.

One person that can help you is perhaps your doctor. It

could be related to your diet, any medicines you're taking,

whether you've had a recent illness and how you take care

of your hair. For a woman, it may be related to your

menstrual cycle, pregnancies and menopause.

The doctor may want to do a physical exam to look for other

causes of hair loss. Finally, blood tests or a biopsy

(taking a small sample of cells to examine under a

microscope) of your scalp may be needed.

Depending on your type of hair loss, treatments are

available. If a medicine is causing your hair loss, your

doctor may be able to prescribe a different medicine.

Recognizing and treating an infection may help stop the

hair loss. Correcting a hormone imbalance may prevent

common baldness

further hair loss.

Medicines may help in slowing down or preventing the

development of common baldness. One medicine, minoxidil

(brand name: Rogaine), is available without a prescription.

It is applied to the scalp. Both men and women can use it.

Another medicine, finasteride (brand name: Propecia) is

Thursday, March 12, 2015

How to Treat Acne for Black Skin

black skin

Acne treatment for black skin is the same as that for white skin, with some exceptions. Some treatments for acne scars may cause temporary lightening of dark skin. Very dark or black skin may be less well-moisturized than lighter skin, so topicals like benzoyl peroxide that have a drying effect on the skin should be used under the supervision of a dermatologist.

Darker skin has a tendency to develop excessive skin darkening at places where the skin was inflamed. Severe inflammatory acne (cysts and nodules) may result in dark spots. The spots disappear over time; a dermatologist may be able to recommend cosmetic measures to make the spots less apparent until they resolve. Some acne treatments, such as topical retinoids and azelaic acid, may also help fade the discoloration.

dark skin

Alterations of melanin (dark pigments that give the skin its color) pigmentation such as vitiligo and melasma are not related to acne, but they may be present simultaneously with acne. The diagnosis and treatment of melanin pigmentation disorders such as vitiligo requires a dermatologist with knowledge and experience in treating these conditions.

Many doctors feel that laser resurfacing isn't meant for dark skin because it alters the color of skin too dramatically and unpredictably. Others believe that in the hands of a very experienced surgeon, people with darker skin tones can benefit.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Medication for Athletes Foot

Athlete Foot

Athlete's food can be prevented and definitely can be cured. Before looking into the medication for Athlete's foot, let us first look into the different preventive measures to be remembered to avoid getting Athlete's Foot. Let us start off with the simple fact and that is to avoid walking barefoot.

Of course, wear comfortable shoes when you are on the go and when you get home ready to slip on those slippers. There should be slippers to be used only outside of the house and another pair exclusively for roaming around inside the house. Even when taking a shower, always use shower shoes or shower slippers.

Talcum powder is a very powerful vanity item because it reduces perspiration. Always use it most especially before doing any activity that will surely leave you perspiring. You can use it minimally everyday just to make sure you will not as perspire as much when commuting or walking to and from work. From now on, talcum powder should be in the list of care items to buy.

The best pair of shoes to buy is a pair that is both light and airy. Lightness is of course highly essential because trudging along many flights of stairs or covering long distances will not be as tiresome when you are wearing the right footwear. Checking your shoes in relation to how it allows air to come in through it is also good. If ever you need to wear socks, make sure you change when you perspire heavily or whenever you feel uncomfortable.

If all these measures failed and you now have to deal with Athlete's Foot then go to the nearest drug store because there are over the counter topical and oral medications available. You can ask for suggestions from your pharmacists which brands to buy but it does not really matter because most of these brands as long as they are not fake meds have the same working ingredients.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How To Treat Chronic Lower Back Pain

flexibility training

Here's a list of 10 principles for successfully treating chronic lower back pain

1. Most back pain is personally generated. It's all based on the law of too much and too little. Just ask yourself what do I do too much of and what do I do too little of that's caused my back pain? It's usually too much sitting down and too little strength and flexibility exercise.

The good news is that if your back pain is personally generated, there's a fair chance you can personally 'ungenerate' it.

2. It's muscles that move bones out of alignment. The good news is you can get muscles to move bones back into alignment - if you do the right exercises.

3. The cause of the pain is rarely at the site of the pain. Rubbing, crunching, heating and vibrating the spot where it hurts won't do as much good as strengthening and loosening the muscles that have allowed you body to move out of alignment.

4. The X-ray tells you what's happened; it doesn't tell you what's caused what's happened. Without the 'why' it's just another useless medical tool.

5. Most people with back pain don't have a regular and systematic strength and flexibility training program. Duh! The likelihood of a doctor or surgeon prescribing a decent strength and flexibility training program to get your body back in alignment is extremely remote.

6. The cheapest and most effective way to get yourself back in alignment would be to join a yoga group and spend at least half an hour a day doing yoga. Most people aren't prepared to do that. Their pain persists. Duh!

strength flexibility

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Medication of Asthma

asthma attack

Asthma medications and treatments come in many forms. They all are used to achieve the same effect, that is to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Chronic lung disease, as of now, is an incurable, lifelong ailment that afflicts millions of people world wide. For those afflicted with asthma, an asthma attack can be life threatening. So it is imperative that those with the disease make aware of the many different therapies and asthma medications on the market today. Until a cure is found, chronic lung disease medications are the only relief available for those who suffer from this debilitating disease.

What almost all asthma medications do in general is focus on reducing and preventing the onset of an asthma attack and or minimizing and eliminating it once it has occurred. Chronic lung disease manifests itself with swelling of the bronchial airways, overproduction of mucus and phlegm, coupled with a cough. The result is difficulty in breathing. Asthma medications work to bring down and eliminate the swelling in the airways and slow the production of mucus which in turn will stop the coughing. Once an asthma attack has begun it is imperative that the chronic lung disease medication that is taken for the symptoms be effective.

The most important type of drug therapy for the asthmatic involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. These are given to prevent asthma attacks from occurring on an ongoing basis. That is, they are preventative, or proactive treatment. Corticosterouds, also commonly referred to a steroids are an important type of anti-inflammatory chronic lung disease medication commonly used to effectively treat the swelling in the bronchial airways of the asthma sufferer. Steroids accomplish this by making the airways less sensitive to and therefor less likely to react to triggers that can cause the onset of an chronic lung disease attack.

chronic lung disease

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Medicare Supplement Plans In Nevada, Colorado, and Utah

health rating

When you compare these 3 states and the Medicare Supplement Plans they have to other states in the country you see a major trend. For the most part they are much less expensive when compared to other states that have large cities in them. As we know Colorado has Denver, Nevada has Reno and Las Vegas, and Utah has Salt Lake and some other medium size cities within. So why is there a big price difference between these states and others. We will talk about 2 reasons.

Typically the healthier the state the lower the rates. All of these states boast a very good health rating. When a Medicare Supplement Company has lower health claims they also have lower costs which they usually pass along to the consumer as lower rates for there plans. Actually these companies are able to look in years past to try to determine there future costs for claims, when they see that in years past claims costs have been comparably lower than other states they are able to keep prices lower because of that. These rocky mountain area states thus are benefiting from a healthy life style, All of these states have lots of outdoor activities which aide in preserving a great health rating.

Competition is also a large factor in rates, as you look across the country at rates you will notice an important trend. In states where there is only 1 or 2 companies that sell Medicare Supplement Plans we find that the rates are very high. In states like Nevada, Utah, and Colorado we find at least 5 companies that offer these types of plans. With that being said every company is vying for a position in the market. When you are dealing with a standardized plan having a position in the market has every thing to do with prices.

these states

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Medication for Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Alternative Anxiety Disorder Treatments

Generalized Anxiety

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is the most difficult of the anxiety disorders to diagnose because it lacks many of the more dramatic symptoms of other disorders. People with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) are not always prone to panic attacks, for example, and do not necessarily fear social situations. GAD usually includes subtler symptoms, such as excessive worry about things like work, family, health or money, and can be accompanied by physical symptoms that include muscle twitching, headaches, sweating, or gastrointestinal trouble. The National Institute of Health classifies a specific symptom of GAD as being excessive worry or anxiety occurring more days than not for at least a six month period. Many who experience this can begin to feel frustrated and helpless, but there are a variety of successful treatments and therapy that can help restore patients to a normal life.

Individual therapy is generally recommended for people with GAD, as many do not feel comfortable discussing their symptoms in a group environment. Therapy sessions should focus on identifying stress factors, practicing relaxation techniques and breathing exercises, and helping the individual find a balance between work, family, personal time and other obligations.

Doctors occasionally prescribe medication as one of the treatments for anxiety if the individual's symptoms are so intense that they interfere with psychotherapy and relaxation exercises. Benzodiazepines such as diazepam (also known as Valium) and lorazepam (Xanax) are the most commonly prescribed medications for this type of disorder, but it should be noted that there is not much clinical research that has shown these types of medications to be more effective than others. Benzodiazepines can produce sedative side effects that affect performance and daily functioning, and medication for Generalized Anxiety Disorder should only be taken if absolutely necessary and always under professional supervision.

Anxiety Disorder

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How to Treat Carpal Tunnel Numbness

median nerve

In a layman's view, Carpal wrist tunnel is like a space inside your hand. This space is formed by the bones of your hand. Along the opening, the median nerve, tendons, and tenosynovium pass. These parts are anatomically arranged so that the space is not enlarged. With this normal framework, you will not experience painful sensation. However, tenosynovium may swell for various reasons. In such case, the tunnel is forced to accommodate the swelling tenosynovium, hence giving pressure to the carpal tunnel. As a result, you will feel pain especially while moving your hand. You are then experiencing Carpal tunnel Syndrome (CTS).

When tenosynovium swells, the median nerve is compressed. The median nerve is responsible for giving sensation as well as fine movements to the thumb, index finger, long finger, and half of the ring finger on the palm side. As a result of compression, Carpal tunnel numbness is felt. In such case, it will be difficult to do hand grips and other hand activities. However, there are several ways to treat carpal wrist tunnel numbness. You may choose from the following treatment options for carpal tunnel numbness caused by median nerve compression:

NSAID- Since the cause of carpal tunnel numbness is the compression of the median nerve at the hand area. Then the primary thing you must do is to decompress it. The swelling tenosynovium can be managed by Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug (NSAID). Basically, it is the drug of choice for Carpal tunnel syndrome. However, you should seek your physician's prescription before taking an NSAID as this can bring gastric irritation and stomach upset.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How To Treat Chronic Constipation

rich fibers

Tips on How to Treat Chronic Constipation

Clinical trials are being conducted throughout the United States on investigational drugs for chronic constipation. For many people, current therapeutic options are not always effective. Constipation can cause bloating and straining resulting in hard lumpy stools and incomplete emptying of the bowel. Novel treatments are being studied to resolve the problem of chronic constipation and constipation due to pain medication.

Constipation is caused by food that is moving too slowly inside the digestive tract. There are many factors that contribute to this movement, like diet, lack of water, stress, medication, laxatives or hormonal disorders. Diets that are not rich in fibers may contribute to constipation. The digestive tract needs lots of fiber to push the food through the bowels.

Anyone who doesn't drink water or other liquids can develop constipation more easily than those who drink at least seven to eight glasses of liquid a day. Stress is another cause because it is disturbing the hormone levels. Many drugs as well are responsible for constipation, including painkillers, calcium channel blocking drugs, iron, anticonvulsants and antidepressants. Constipation can lead to rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, cramps or physical discomfort.

Treatment for chronic constipation sometimes requires the supervision of a doctor. Before treating chronic constipation, you should know the contributing factors and whether physical problems in the gastrointestinal track are the cause. A colonoscopy test is often performed to confirm or rule out a possible cause of constipation.

chronic constipation

Monday, January 12, 2015

Medicare Supplement Plans - How They Work

Medicare Supplement plans

Medicare Supplement plans are plans that are designed to fill in the "gaps" in "original" Medicare. "Original" Medicare includes Medicare Part A (hospital inpatient) and Part B (outpatient/doctor). These plans are consistent across companies - all companies are required to provide the same standardized benefits. This makes it very easy to understand the plans and how they work. Here are the top three things that you must know when looking at Medicare Supplement plans:

Medicare Supplement plans (also called Medigap) are Federally-standardized. The plans all provide equal coverage for "like" plans. What this means is that a Plan F with one company is the exact same as a Plan F with another company. Because of this, it is important to compare the plans on the basis of monthly premium and company rating or reputation. Price being equal, it is preferable to be with a company that has a long track record of involvement in the senior insurance marketplace and/or a high financial strength rating.

Medigap plans can be used at any doctor or hospital, nationwide, regardless of which company sells you the plan. Many types of insurance are network-based; however, this does not apply to Medicare Supplement plans. Even some types of Medicare plans - Medicare Advantage plans - are network-based in most cases. On the contrary, Medigap plans give you the flexibility of using the plan anywhere in the country that takes Medicare. This flexibility, particularly for someone that travels, is one of the many reasons that these plans have become increasingly popular as a way to supplement Medicare coverage.

Supplement plans

Thursday, January 8, 2015

How to Treat Crohn's Disease

Crohns treatment

Information about Budesonide and Crohns Treatment

Budesonide is one of the glucocorticoid steroids, a class of steroids which takes its name from two facts: they play an important role in the body's metabolism of glucose; and they are produced in the adrenal cortex. In addition to being naturally-occurring, this important substance is also available in a number of therapeutic preparations. Sold under various brand names, budesonide preparations have been approved for use in treating several health conditions.

Therapeutic Uses

These preparations are most frequently used to treat asthma and allergies with respiratory symptoms, such as hay fever. Nasal polyps ("nasal polyposis") can be treated (and in some cases prevented) with budesonide. However, it is also used as a Crohns treatment. Crohn's disease (also called "regional enteritis") is one form of inflammatory bowel disease ("IBD"). In addition to being used as a Crohns treatment, a new budesonide preparation is being tested to determine its efficacy as a treatment for ulcerative colitis.

Brand Names

AstraZeneca sells budesonide preparations under various brand names. Rhinocort, which is called Rhinosol in Denmark, is AstraZeneca's budesonide nasal inhalant. The company's oral budesonide inhalant is sold as Pulmicort (called Budicort in Israel). Symbicort is an AstraZeneca inhalant which combines budesonide with formoterol. The same preparation is sold in Brazil by Eurofarma, under the name Noex.

Budesonide is marketed by Prometheus Laboratories as an enema or a time-release capsule, both of which are called Entocort. The same company also sells Entocort EC, which is an immediate-release budesonide capsule. Budesonide capsules are typically taken in one of two treatment courses: either 9 mg per day for a total of 2 months; or 6 mg per day for a total of 3 months.