Saturday, January 26, 2013

Good Fats to Help You Lose Weight Effectively

good fats

Everyone wants to be in shape and look good in today's world but for those of us who have put on some weight over the past few years there is no need to panic. You can lose those extra pounds by adhering to simple guidelines and understanding some basic facts about fat. The key is developing healthy diet plans with this new knowledge.

You are probably most interested in learning how to lose weight quickly? It is possible to lose weight fast but remember that keeping the weight off long term may take a bit longer to achieve. Additionally if you have been struggling with your weight then you need information that can teach you about proper nutrition to give you weight loss results. Healthy diet plans that contain the right kind of fats are very effective in nutrient absorption and nerve transmission. However bad fats cause harm to the body by increasing risks of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. That's why when creating your healthy diet plans replace the bad fats with good fats in your diet, whether it is a fast weight loss diet or a longer diet plan.

Fat is one the most essential elements in your diet and the right kind of fats can be included in your diet menus. Let me explain the difference between good fats and bad fats and what foods to include or avoid so you know what are the best weight loss foods.

Good fats are either monounsaturated fats or polyunsaturated fats and they help in achieving nutrition weight loss. There are two type of good fats, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. The good fats lower the LDL levels, which is the bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol, called HDL cholesterol. Thereby the ratio between LDL and HDL is maintained which decreases your total body cholesterol. Some sources of good fats can be found in almonds, avocado and olive oil. Polyunsaturated fats can be found in seafood, like salmon, soy and some vegetable oils. Remember that seafood is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which is a type of polyunsaturated fat so fish like salmon, mackerels and catfish should be a part of your fast weight loss diet or a longer diet program. Monounsaturated fats can be found in nuts such as cashews, walnuts and peanuts.

Bad fats are saturated fats and trans fats. They are dangerous for your body because they increase your cholesterol level and lead to cardiovascular diseases. They should never be included in your fast weight loss diet. In your healthy diet plans avoid diary, eggs and red meat foods, instead increase the fish in your diet. Most importantly eliminate all processed food from your kitchen even if you don't know yet what are the best weight loss foods. The best weight loss foods are those that can easily assimilate into your body, so always include good fats in your diet menus.

Today, most people don't know the importance of including good fats in their daily diet menus. Just like other nutrients, our body requires a daily intake of fats. Hopefully you now have a better understanding of good and bad fats and can determine for yourself the best weight loss foods.

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