Wednesday, June 11, 2014

How To Treat Anal Itching

anal area

If you are suffering from the problem of itching in the anal area there is no need to feel embarrassed because you are not alone. There are millions of people in the world who suffer from this embarrassing condition which is medically known as 'pruritus ani' and strangely enough it is a very common ailment but not many people feel comfortable talking about it publicly. In this article we are going to discuss about the symptoms of anal itching, its causes and some of the remedial measures available in the alternative form of medicine which can provide instant relief in the comfort of your home.


If there is irritation in the anus or rectum area it could be anal itching. This feeling of irritation makes a person scratch the area to experience relief but this scratching makes the condition worse. It is generally caused due to increased moisture, rubbing caused by sitting and clothes and continuous pressure. Anal itching at its worst causes high discomfort and can also cause soreness and burning.


Apart from above causes it is also caused by chemicals present in our food, pinworms, hemorrhoids and anal fissures. It is a condition which can affect any person of any age. It is common both in men and women.

Treatment Options

The remedy for anal itching depends mainly on the cause of itching but because there are so many factors that can lead to this problem it is advisable to get a medical checkup in order to find the exact cause which will help in using the right treatment options.

itching anal

Here are some of the remedial measures which can be used at home to experience instant relief from anal itching.

One of the major causes of itching is poor hygiene which leads to growth of bacteria. Hence regularly clean the anal area with cotton balls moistened in water, even baby wipes and tucks would serve the purpose. There are some mild ointments like anal itch assist which could be applied to the affected area to help soothe the skin and prevent further spread of itching.

Do not use scented toilet paper or soaps on the anal area as they contain chemicals which can cause irritation and rashes.

People who sweat excessively are more prone to itching in the anal area. To prevent this condition wear cotton underwear which is breathable and is a natural fiber.

So these were some of the things you can do to bring anal itching under control but if the condition does not improve or worsen it is always recommended to consult your physician.

itching anal

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