Sunday, February 17, 2013

ADHD Natural Remedies - Vitamins

daily dosage

Even though the United States and other developed countries have an abundant food supply and the money to spend on it, most of their citizens are deficient in key vitamins, minerals and nutrients. As a matter of fact, epidemiological research shows that over 90% of their population is lacking in at least one nutrient. An excellent food supply does not necessarily mean that the foods available are nutritious. Though more and more people are starting to be more conscious about what they eat, many foods consumed in the West are laden with trans-fat, refined sugars, and saturated fat, and have little or no nutritional value to speak of. This is partially why attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is such a common condition among children in developed nations, and why natural remedies are often more effective than ADHD medication.

Although there are a number of nutrition-related natural treatments for the disorder, this article will focus on B vitamins and their role in the body and brain. B vitamins are needed to metabolize carbohydrates into glucose, the simple sugar that fuels the brain. Although candy bars, cereal, and pastries are laden with refined sugars, the glucose they produce is short-lived and produces a crash that makes a child unfocused and irritable. B vitamins enable the body to produce a consistent stream of glucose to the brain, enabling the nervous system to function at its best.

B vitamins also have a more direct role to play in brain function. The biological cause of ADHD is a deficiency in two neurotransmitters: dopamine and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters are responsible for controlling excitable behavior, distractibility, and impulsivity. Conventional doctors are quick to point to genetics as the cause of the deficiency, but in most cases an insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals is the reason for the lack of these two neurotransmitters. B vitamins, especially vitamin B6, are critical components for neurotransmitter production, and they are often deficient in today's modern diet. For this reason, the following B vitamin supplements are often a part of holistic treatment plans for ADHD.

Thiamin (vitamin B1)

Thiamin is the B vitamin that converts carbohydrates into glucose. The recommended daily dosage is 25-50 mg, which can be obtained from multivitamin formulas or from green leafy vegetables, brown rice, whole-grain bread, legumes, and red meat.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

Riboflavin assists thiamin in breaking down carbohydrates. The recommended daily dosage is 25-50 mg, which can be obtained from peas, whole-grain products, and milk.

Niacin (vitamin B3)

daily dosage

Aside from metabolizing food, niacin is an essential component for gastrointestinal health. Niacin can obtained from protein-rich foods like legumes, potatoes, meats, and peanuts. Its daily dosage is around 50-100 mg.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)

Aside from synthesizing proteins and carbohydrates, pyridoxine is also critical for neurotransmitter production. The daily dosage of pyridoxine is 25-50 mg, but experts suggest higher doses for children with ADHD and autism. Like the rest of the B vitamin group, pyridoxine can be obtained from whole-grain foods, meats, legumes, and brown rice.

Folic acid (vitamin B9)

Together with vitamin B12, folic acid is needed to synthesize DNA, form hemoglobin, and break down proteins. Folic acid is manufactured in the body through the healthy bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, but it can also be found in whole-grain foods and green vegetables. The daily dosage is around 800 mcg.

Vitamin B12

As mentioned above, vitamin B12 can synthesize DNA. But together with pyridoxine and folic acid, vitamin B12 also participates in a process called methylation (see below). The daily dose of vitamin B12 should be 500-1,000 mcg.


Pyridoxine, folic acid, and vitamin B12 are the most important B vitamins for ADHD children, because they are all components of a process called methylation. Methylation is a chemical process that activates the production of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. It is also needed to trigger the body's natural detoxification system. Children with ADHD and autism often have problems with methylation that can be treated through B vitamin supplements.

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