Thursday, February 28, 2013

ADHD Natural Remedies and Facts

your child

ADHD natural treatments are available. They are effective. They are safe, having no side effects. They can be taken by children and adults without short or long term consequences.

There is a variety of natural treatments that can help relieve ADHD symptoms. Nutritional supplements are great aids for general health as well as for ADHD.

Specific formulas are made with ingredients that are known to ease symptoms.

These special formulas are a combination of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and botanical extracts. When you are going to purchase them you should look for those that are FDA approved for use with ADHD. A licensed homeopath should make them, as they will know the proper dose for your child. They will also know which combination of ingredients are right for your child's unique needs.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Allergy Natural Relief May Help Fight Cancer

immune system

Can an allergy be a sign of having a natural relief for cancer and other serious illnesses?

According to a recently published study from Texas Tech University, it probably can. Dr Zuber Mulla, an epidemiologist at Texas Tech University, who led the study team, said, "More work is still needed, but the numbers show that allergy is a statistically significant protective factor."

The studies were into the causes of ovarian cancer, and it found that the chances of allergy sufferers succumbing to cancer were much lower than those of non-allergy sufferers. The only possible reason they could suggest was that adverse reactions to things such as pollen or dust mites stimulate the immune system and make it more effective in fighting off true enemies such as cancer.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Good Fats Vs Bad Fats - What You Should Know

saturated fats

Most people today who wish to lose weight resort to paying close attention to their daily meals. First on the list of the things they avoid is fat. For many people, the assumption on nutrition is simple - if you're trying to reduce the size of your belly you should avoid eating meals that contain fat. This is not true. Although few people realize this, removing this from your diet can result in many unhealthy side effects.

Just like other nutrients, our body requires a daily intake of fats in order to function effectively. Amongst many other roles, fats are required for the maintenance of our body cells and is utilized in the transmissions of signals through our nerves as well as the absorption of nutrients. Avoiding them is therefore a big mistake.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

ADHD Natural Remedies - Vitamins

daily dosage

Even though the United States and other developed countries have an abundant food supply and the money to spend on it, most of their citizens are deficient in key vitamins, minerals and nutrients. As a matter of fact, epidemiological research shows that over 90% of their population is lacking in at least one nutrient. An excellent food supply does not necessarily mean that the foods available are nutritious. Though more and more people are starting to be more conscious about what they eat, many foods consumed in the West are laden with trans-fat, refined sugars, and saturated fat, and have little or no nutritional value to speak of. This is partially why attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is such a common condition among children in developed nations, and why natural remedies are often more effective than ADHD medication.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

ADHD Natural Remedies - Time To Choose Safer And Healthier Options For Your Child

Have you ever wondered why ADHD natural remedies have become so popular recently? There must be a reason. Actually there are several and each one is more alarming than the last one.

Maybe you are shocked when you realize that there is so much uncertainty about the ADHD drugs on the market to-day. After all, there is some doubt about how the amphetamine like drugs actually work on the young child's brain. Secondly, we are dealing with what seems to be a balancing act with the chemical brain transmitters. We know that the main ones involved are dopamine and norepinephrine.

The solution offered by most doctors is a sort of emergency treatment which will sort out those two neurotransmitters and will not address the main symptoms, problems and long term solution. It is as if you gave me a band aid for a broken leg! You then forgot about me and refused to give me physiotherapy or any other advice about how to walk and get the muscles working again. The same misguided principles with the ADHD mainstream treatments which refuse to even consider managing child behaviour. They think that the pills will take care of all that and teach them all the skills they need.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

ADHD Medication Side Effects - Answers You Must Have

ADHD medication

Let's face it. There are ADHD medication side effects so let us have a look at them and see whether it is really worth all the time and effort and see how your ADHD child can fit into this treatment picture.

Fidgeting and constant motion are well known symptoms of ADHD. Will ADHD medications improve this problem? It seems that research from the University of Central Florida found that when we ask ADHD kids to concentrate on a task, they fidgeted a lot more than boys who did not have ADHD. Squirming of course can be a relatively irritating problem especially in the classroom. Actually the ADHD medications can help to calm children down and they can become quieter and stay focused. The downside of all this is that maybe up to 20% of children on ADHD drugs just cannot take them and are overwhelmed by the unwanted effects of ADHD medications. It is true that some side effects are very minor while others are more serious.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Anti Aging Natural Skin Care Products Will Do the Trick For Your Skin

skin care

It may seem impossible to find quality anti aging natural skin care products, but it is possible. The key word here is "natural." There are hundreds of different skin care products out there all claiming that they are "age defying," or "revolutionary," however; many of these products contain harmful, synthetic chemicals that leave the skin worse then it initially was.

Many top of the line products out there have alcohol in it that leaves the skin feeling dry and can even result in more wrinkles after continuous usage. Many other skin care creams have harsh synthetic chemicals that may show positive short term results, but can cause more damage to the skin in the long run.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Ab Exercises Are A Joke

interval training

Burn off that belly fat with a new way of training.

Goodbye situps, hello intervals.

There's no such thing as spot reducing exercises, but according to Australian research, interval training can actually help spot reduce belly fat more than body fat anywhere else on the body, so when you do interval training and you lose fat it's mostly coming from around your abs. Interval training is a big part of Turbulence Training, obviously that means that people are going to have a great opportunity to lose belly fat and therefore see their abdominals better than ever before.

Save time by cutting the crunches out of your life.