Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Medication for Hypertension - Is It Worth The Risk?

blood pressure

Recent studies have shown that thirty-two percent of adults in the United States suffer from hypertension. Hypertension is a condition where the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated above normal levels. High blood pressure in the arteries causes the heart to have to work harder to pump blood through the blood vessels. Hypertension is a major risk factor for serious health complications like stroke, heart disease, aneurysms, and even kidney disease. For some people, simple lifestyle or diet changes can reduce blood pressure to normal levels. Others require medication to achieve a healthy arterial blood pressure. One of the most popular drugs prescribed to treat hypertension is atenolol. The use of atenolol may reduce your blood pressure, but this comes with the chance of several side effects.

Only your doctor can decide if atenolol is the proper treatment for your specific medical situation. The following side effects are provided to give you general information and are not to be relied upon for any specific medical condition.

The most common side effect that you may experience with atenolol is indigestion and constipation. This is generally mild and are more of an annoyance than a serious health risk.

Some patients also experience a dry mouth sensation. Ensure that you are getting an adequate intake of fluids to prevent dehydration and hopefully this sensation will go away.

Hypotension is a serious side effect that is rarely encountered. If you feel as though your blood pressure is too low, contact your doctor or emergency health care professional immediately.

Hair loss affects a small percentage of patients using atenolol. The hair loss is generally not severe and is not permanent for the vast majority of patients.

blood pressure arteries

If you have difficulty hearing or speaking, this is a sign of a serious side effect. You should contact your doctor immediately.

Less than one percent of patients report the following side effects: dizziness or fainting, confusion, depression, nightmares, insomnia, visual disturbances, difficulty balancing when walking, impotence and rhinitis.

The best way to avoid the side effects of atenolol is to reduce your risk of high blood pressure before it becomes a problem. There are many ways to decrease blood pressure without pharmaceutical intervention. Losing weight will have a positive effect on blood pressure and many other common health issues. If you are overweight, a sensible diet and exercise plan can help you avoid health complications later in life. You should also evaluate the sodium intake of your diet. If you are regularly consuming more than 2300 mg of sodium per day, you should modify they foods that you are eating. More than 2300 mg daily has been linked to hypertension later in life.

Atenolol can be very helpful for controlling hypertension. A discussion with your doctor is the best way to determine if the side effect risks of atenolol are warranted in your specific case.

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