Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How to Treat Acid Reflux Symptoms?

reflux symptoms

Some of you might have been experiencing heartburn, chest pain, painful swallowing, sore throat, bad breath, dental erosion, acid taste in the mouth, excessive saliva, burning sensation in the throat, then if you do have such these problems; it indicates that you are most likely to have acid reflux symptoms.

Reflux symptoms occur when the lower esophageal sphincter that is used to intake the food from the upper gastrointestinal tract to the stomach is not strong enough to handle the acid. Our stomach digests the food with the help of acid generated and stored by it. The stomach wall is designed to be strong enough to keep that acid without causing any damage.

For unknown reasons, when acid flows back into the esophagus from stomach it causes heartburn, which is considered as the first symptom of acid reflux disease or GERD. At first, you may find that this occurs only once in a while, but when you find it happens regularly 2 until 3 times in a week, then you are most likely to have acid reflux disease.

Almost reflux symptoms occur shortly after eating. Also, it is common to occur when we are lying down or sleeping. Thus, it is better to avoid lying down or sleeping at least three hours after meal. Reflux symptoms tend to last for minutes, but it may also last for several hours. The acid reflux symptoms usually disappear when acid is neutralised by prescription medication such as antacid, or can be with a natural remedy.

To prevent the acid reflux symptoms becoming worst, at first you can start by simply changing your lifestyle:

start consuming healthy foods (avoid spicy foods, chocolate, peppermint, fried and fatty foods, citrus fruits such as oranges, garlic and onions)

try not to consume alcohol or drink caffeine

stop smoking

having exercise regularly

lose weight if needed

eat with small portion but frequent meals

Acid Reflux

wear loose-fitting clothes

try not to lying down for 3 hours after meal

raise the head by using the help of wedge pillow (there are many variations of the height)

If you have been suffering from acid reflux symptoms, heartburn or GERD for a frequent period, it is better to see your local doctor to check and have a proper diagnosis about your condition through endoscopy because the doctor can find out how extent is your gerd condition. From this, you can discuss with your doctor about the treatment options.

Mostly doctor will recommend you to take prescription medication, while this approach is quite expensive and not designed for a long term use. Meanwhile, you can also try to treat your acid reflux symptoms, heartburn and GERD through the use of effective natural items, which you can read on Acid Reflux Remedies

The good news for you is this disease can be cured if you treat appropriately in time. It takes time however, but keep doing a good lifestyle and maintain it. You can see how simple and effective lifestyle changes can have a big impact on your health as well as enhancing the quality of your life.

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