Are you aware that the long term effects of ADHD medications like Ritalin and Adderall are yet to be determined? Did you know that for many people who take these drugs serious health issues could well be in their future? There are those that insist that the drugs used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are really just slow-acting poisons that should be avoided altogether. They can produce serious side effects that include:
* Nausea
* Cramping
* Headaches
* Stomach upsets
* Hallucinations
* Liver and kidney failure
* Cardiac arrest
* Mood swings
* Suicidal thoughts and tendencies
* Depression
* Anxiety
* Paranoia
The list of side effects is seemingly endless and certainly worthwhile of your concern. Very often the dosage is increased in order to make the drug more effective. Many of us have come across parents on television or in magazines who have described the severe personality changes that they detected when their child was given one of these prescription drugs. But there is good news if all the controversy surrounding ADHD medications have made you reluctant to allow your child to be medicated. There are adhd natural remedies available these days that work toward restoring balance and eliminating the symptoms of the disorder.
The following natural ways of combating the symptoms and behaviors of ADHD have proven to be very beneficial for enough people to ensure that they should not be dismissed out of hand. There have also been many studies and clinical trials done to back up the belief that these natural remedies can and do help ADHD children and adults lead calmer, less chaotic lives.
1. Diet
When you regulate the diet for an ADHD child you will need to know which foods and ingredients to include in the diet and which to avoid. You will be able to find ADHD diets readily available on the Internet and these will inform you about which foods need to be omitted and which need to be included. For example, refined foods, sugars, processed foods, candies, etc. should all be omitted from the diet. Fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, Omega-3 fatty acids, nuts, etc. should definitely be part of the ADHD diet. Be sure to research this more fully if you want to introduce the ADHD diet into your child's life. Bear in mind that for many kids it can be difficult to accept the fact that they cannot have the soda to wash down the burger you got from the local fast food restaurant. Be patient and understanding while your child makes the adjustment to a healthier and more nutritious diet. Another important thing to remember is that the whole family should follow the diet, rather than just the child with ADHD.
2. Supplements
Taking a mineral and vitamin supplement is also very important. Our meals are usually anything but nutritionally sound. You know that your ADHD child needs Omega-3 and that this is obtained from fish. However, the chances that you and your family ingest the right amount of appropriate fish each week is highly unlikely. Supplements can make a very significant impact on the symptoms of ADHD and should definitely form part of the child's daily ritual.
Although most medications are derived from natural sources, adhd natural remedies are specially formulated to address the issue of ADHD as much as the symptoms. As a result, homeopathic remedies, while they may not produce results as quickly, should definitely be considered before chemical drugs.
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