Allergy remedies come in many different "flavours" - there are herbs, homeopathics and nutritionals to name the main types. My main love and my main experience is with Nutritional supplements so that's what we're looking at today.
Vitamin C
The simplest and most straightforward of all natural remedies is vitamin C, usually taken as ascorbic acid which is the cheapest version of vitamin C and the most widely available.
Vitamin C is water soluble and does not build up in body tissues. We need doses of vitamin C spread through the day to cope with allergens causing problems throughout the day.
Dosage depends on several different factors so cannot be the same for all but I use 1 gram tablets commonly available in any health store.
The main action of vitamin C for allergy patient sis that it is a natural anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory. And for those who do not like tablets vitamin C is available in powder form so that it can be mixed into juices.
In passing let's just say that the amount of vitamin C in a juice drink is tiny and not enough to do any serious good against a big ugly allergen.
Flax Oil
Also known as linseed oil, flax oil is an omega 3 anti-inflammatory oil that western diets usual lack. There are other omega 3 oils you can use but this is a vegetarian option that everyone finds acceptable. There are a number of reasons not to use fish oils the issue of pollution being a powerful one.
You may be wondering if Vitamin C is anti-inflammatory and flax is anti-inflammatory do we need to take both? Good question, and yes we do need to take both.
The reason why is that oils can get to places in the body where water soluble nutrients cannot, so we need a balance of water soluble and oil soluble nutrients.
One of the major effects of producing a hugely polluted environment as we have is that the air we breath, the food we eat and the water we drink will all usually have pollutants of some kind, many of which cause inflammation. Vitamin C and flax will deal with a lot of this but having beneficial bacteria in the gut can make a huge difference to our health.
The amount of friendly bacteria within us is large. In mass it compares to the size of the liver and in effect to it compares to one of our body organs.
And all of these bacteria are working for us to keep our insides in good condition - partially by fighting harmful bacteria and partially by making some of the vitamins we need. We still need to take supplements but these useful probiotic bacteria do make small amounts of vitamins in the gut.
With all the good work they do, they condition the gut to be healthy and this helps us directly in reducing food allergies. For maximum effect choose the unflavoured varieties and look for words like "live culture" on the carton.
Working these 3 natural products into your diet will reduce the body's allergic reactions and provide the nutrients body systems need to do their jobs. They are not a substitute for medication of for professional advice but may well reduce the number of times you'll need to consult your family health professional.
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