Friday, September 26, 2014

Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans and Medicare Part D

Base Beneficiary Premium

"I have a Medigap Plan to supplement my Medicare. Do I still need to enroll in a Part D plan?" If you have wondered this, you are not alone. Even if prescriptions aren't important to you now, there are reasons to enroll in a plan.

Of course we know that the chances of us needing some type of medication as we get up in years is great. If you wait until you need medication to enroll and don't join when you first receive your Medicare, you will most likely have to pay a penalty. The penalty assessed will be 1% of the of the Part D National Base Beneficiary Premium per month that you could have enrolled but didn't. This penalty is added to the premium of the Plan you choose. The National Base Beneficiary Premium is $32.34 for 2011. If you delay your Part D enrollment for 1 year, you will have a penalty of $3.88 on your monthly premium for whatever plan you choose. The penalty is permanent.

Medicare's drug program is called Medicare Part D. Part D is offered by private companies. These companies and the various prescription plans that they make available must be approved by Medicare.

All must cover certain drugs and meet certain coverage criteria to be approved. However the plans can vary greatly in terms of premium, co-pays and total out of pocket expenses. If you have original Medicare you can enroll in a stand alone Part D prescription plan along with your Medicare Supplement plan. Many Medicare Advantage plans include Medicare Part A, B and D coverage. There are some that only cover A and B and require a separate Part D.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

How To Treat Benign Hypertension

blood pressure levels

Benign Hypertension is a term used to distinguish the condition from the more aggressive and severe malignant hypertension. It is usually diagnosed when there are elevated blood pressure levels for a long period, which may be progressing at a very slow pace, and so any damage being caused may take many years to develop.

If blood pressure levels of someone with benign hypertension shoot up, then it can be referred to as going into a "malignant phase".

The numbers of people with high blood pressure is on the rise with, it is estimated, about a third of all people in the US having the condition. And a third again are thought to be people with undiagnosed high blood pressure.

Of those who have been diagnosed, about 50% of them are believed to be not taking the prescription medication given to them by their doctor correctly. This is a major concern as not taking medication as prescribed is the biggest risk factor in a person suffering from malignant hypertension, which is a life threatening condition.

Most people who are diagnosed with high blood pressure are able to take steps to bring the levels to normal after some changes to lifestyle, diet, exercise regime and potentially medication. And if this is done early enough they can reduce the risk of complications like stroke, heart attacks and kidney problems.

It is understandable that there are so many people who have not been diagnosed witth this potentially deadly condition. There are either no symptoms, or there are potentially mild symptoms like headaches and nausea, which could easily be confused for other problems or dismissed.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How To Treat A Sore Throat Naturally

your throat

Whether it's 3 o' clock in the morning and you are unable to make it to the nearest drugstore or if you're simply not too fond of putting over the counter drugs into your body, there are several ways to treat a sore throat naturally lurking right in your food pantry or spice cabinet. Some individuals, including doctors, have sworn by certain natural concoctions to be more effective than conventional drugs and medicines. So the next time swallowing becomes a hassle, try a few natural fixes that do not include those harsh chemicals and ingredients found in tablets, capsules and sprays; you may be in for a pleasant surprise.

When it comes to soothing a sore throat, sucking on ice chips is a plain, simple and cost effective way to instantly subdue the scratchy feeling in the back of your throat. Not only will the ice provide a refreshing and cooling sensation, but it can also help to numb the pain as well. Although popsicles may seemingly be a more enjoyable option to get the same benefits, the sugar may actually agitate the throat even more. It is best to purchase natural juice bars or sugar free popsicles.

Gargling warm saline water has definitely been one of the most traditional remedies for a sore throat due to its capabilities of reducing inflammation and deteriorating mucus, but in fact, there are a few different spices and herbs to add to a hot cup of water that could possibly posses more healing potential than salt water alone. Gargling with cayenne pepper, turmeric and sage have all been reputable sore throat remedies that have been passed down from several generations. It is as simple as mixing 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of your spice of choice in one cup of hot water. You can gargle the mixture as often as you like, but no less than 5 times a day.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Medicare Supplement Insurance, It's All About the Cost!

accept your

Medicare supplemental insurance plans are standardized and regulated through the federal government. There are 12 plans, A-N having different levels of coverage. The fact is there are many companies that offer these plans. They vary in cost form one company to the next, however the plans do not vary in benefits. Plan N with one company is the exact same as plan N with another. Below are the five most common questions people have and the answers to those questions.

1-Q-Will my doctor except my supplement?

A-If your doctor accepts Medicare; they accept your supplement plan.

2-Q-I never heard of this company before, will my doctor accept them?

A-If your doctor accepts Medicare; your supplement is good to go!

3-Q- Why does one company charge more than another for the same coverage?

A-Because they can. We still live in a land of free enterprise and these companies are in competition just the same as Auto insurance companies.

4-Q-You mean my doctor will accept my supplement even though I never heard of this company before?

A- Yes

accept supplement

5-Q- Wow, I can't believe this, are you sure my doctor will accept my supplement?

A-Yes, they will accept your supplement if they accept Medicare.

Next, there is a very common reflex people have that should be addressed. Often, folks have a tendency to say, "My neighbor has blank" and they are very happy with it. I won't tell you not to ask your neighbor for advice, but I will warn you that they probably do not have the same health and financial situation as you. Also, it's very possible that you can get the same coverage for 30% less just by shopping around! It's also possible that you may not be comfortable with the coverage they have. Maybe they are willing to accept more risk. Are you? These are legitimate concerns that your neighbor is not going to be able to address.